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Writer's pictureLeticia Pires

How to DE-STRESS !

Hi! You clicked on this post because you may feel stressed, anxious or you may be dealing with something not as good in your life. It’s okay to feel stressed and anxious. Everyone does at some point in life. But it’s not good to feel like that all the time and to let it b the biggest thing in your life. You need to relax. To recharge. Give yourself time to do it.

1 - Silence your phone. Put it in airplane mode or simply turn it off for a bit.

2 - Take a warm bath. We sometimes forget that our body is fully connected to our mind. If you want to de-stress but your body is tense, you won’t be able to. Relax your body first so that your mind does too. Use candles, incense or oils to give yourself a more relaxed ambiance.

3 - Make yourself a warm drink. A tea, hot chocolate or another warm beverage of your choice.

4 - Cook your comfort food. Maybe a soup, chicken soup, a crockpot meal. Something that brings you good memories and ultimately comfort.

5 - Make time for fun. It may be reading, gaming, making a puzzle, singing, watching a movie or a series, draw or any other activity you like.

6 - Meditate. (“Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.” - Wikipedia) You can learn how to meditate with a class or just on YouTube. There are so many channels and videos teaching you how to do it and with a lot of resources.

Use a candle or incense. It will help you concentrate. If you want to know more about this subject do a research about AROMATHERAPY (“Aromatherapy is a pseudoscience based on the usage of aromatic materials, including essential oils, and other aromatic compounds, with claims for improving psychological or physical well-being. Aromatherapists, people who specialize in the practice of aromatherapy, utilize blends of supposedly therapeutic essential oils that can be used as a topical application, massage, inhalation or water immersion.” - Wikipedia.)

If you don’t feel comfortable meditating, you can just go outside, close your eyes and breath for as long as you wish. Be aware of your surroundings - the sounds, the smells, the sun on your skin, the wind, the leafs. Just take time to breath. Take long breaths and if you want, listen to relaxing music.

Hope these tips helped you understand how you can relax and take some time for yourself. It’s important. The consequences of stress and anxiety are very bad for our mind and for our body. The longer you take to get your mental health in to a good place the hardest it will be. Take time. Recharge.

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