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Writer's pictureLeticia Pires

How to maintain CONCENTRATION while working from Home

There are 4 big things about maintaining concentration at home. I will talk about them so that I can help you get motivated and maintaining your concentration for as many hours as you wish.

  1. Motivation

  2. Avoiding procrastination

  3. Flow

  4. Stick to work hours

  • Motivation

This is what is going to keep you working!

To do Lists: Break your tasks up into smaller ones. Make it manageable. Be ambitious but don’t over do it. You won’t succeed like that and you are going to feel demotivated because you won’t be able to accomplish all that you want.

Time tables: stick to a timeline that you created. It’s easier to stay on track and accomplish what you want, when you know what you are supposed to do at a specific time.

A Tip? Get a planner!

  • Avoiding procrastination

With a strict time table there will be no time for procrastination. Don’t give yourself “Empty minutes” where you can end up in front of the TV or on your phone. Of course you need that time, but schedule it. With this, you won’t have a minute were you don’t know what you are supposed to be doing. It will keep you motivated. “If you don’t leave space for procrastination, you don't procrastinate.”

  • Flow

This is the most important thing to keep you on track and motivated.

“More time in Flow means feeling great and creating great things.” - Camille Preston.

Flow it’s when you are completely focused and motivated. You need to be relaxed to get in “the flow” of what you are doing. Make sure you have everything prepared and near you so that you are concentrated and won’t need to stop.

Switch between activities. You need to fluctuate between activities or task so that you won’t get bored of it and consequently get unmotivated.

Create a routine. Motivate yourself creating a Morning and a night routine. Watch Youtube videos about it. Search morning routines, night routines, motivation tips, etc.

  • Stick to work hours

Do your most important tasks in the morning. Write down your to do lists in the morning.

Get up early. Get ready first thing in the morning. Personally if i don’t get ready as soon as I get up, I won’t feel motivated or able to do anything. We are working from home but that doesn’t mean we have to stay on our PJ’s all day. Do it has you were going to a regular Job outside of your house. Even if I work from home, I want to be professional.

Don’t skip meals. Schedule them, take time to make a great meal and enjoy it. With this comes: take a break. Don’t spend 4-5 hours in front of the computer. Break that time with small 10 minutes breaks to leave your office or your work space and breath. Go to your garden, take a walk, eat something, play with your dog, chat with a friend or your husband.

Have a start and an end to your day. Create your work schedule around your life and home routine and not the other way. You need time to take care of your home and time with your spouse and family. Don’t over do it. Try to accomplish what you can in the best way you can. Don’t forget you always have tomorrow. I personally start my day at 8:10 a.m and I start working at 9:00 a.m. I end my work day at 5:00 p.m because that’s when my husband comes home. I want to spend quality time with him. I take a big break between 11:30 a.m and 1:30 p.m to make lunch, eat and clean the kitchen.

Hope this helped you to feel more motivated to get on top of your work life and schedule and get organized!

Have a nice day everyone !

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